
Forums Poetry Corner Not enough money for a coffee

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    • #9311

        I must confess
        I was in unsafe hands…
        My own.
        To go back and do it the right way
        Or not at all.
        It’s a deep deep hole
        Then on top.. the
        … shame
        The icing on the sh*t cake
        I see everything
        I only wanted one thing…
        My mistake.
        Now who will get her a latte
        HOW CAN IT BE SO HARD TO GET SOME GENUINE unconditional love and a loan at the same time
        Working together without castigation
        In my imagination was a top fantasy,
        It’s not the money
        It’s the control…. Don’t you see?
        Every last penny
        Can thousands be recouped
        What is money anyway
        It’s a token
        All this stress over a token lost
        Then eternity to count the cost…. better spent is time with the right person… One not wrapped up in himself.

      • #9313

          I cannot see, remember how to post a poem so I shall use the reply box.

          It’s not about the money
          It’s about forgetting
          Imagining a different reality
          one in which WE ALWAYS WIN
          A contented, organised, secure life with the notion of being IN CONTROL

          It’s not about the winning
          It’s about the losing really
          When we have nothing left our pockets match the emptiness in our hearts
          Then we snap awake from the walking dream to find ourselves stranded yet back to square one
          Square one is familiar territory
          We know,, what to do here.
          We breathe, we cry, we dream of doing better some day soon. Next time.
          Over three years I’ve waited for him
          As if gambling isn’t punishment enough
          I have a plan. Plan B for the plan B
          Working towards ascendance
          If the people we loved truly listened there would be no corner for poetry
          There would be very little misery
          Hello victim mode, introducing moi
          A paid up member of pity me anonymous
          Readers you indulge me terribly and I thank you for it, truly x

        • #9312
          Dark Energy

            hi losttwat
            nice words, keep it up.

            “As if gambling isn’t punishment enough” life is hard enough with all its suffering and adding gambling to it makes it unbearable.. but we have to live it and keep fighting.

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