
Forums Poetry Corner When?

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    • #9610
      Charles – GT

        I’ll stop one day I know I will,

        Those words I’d say, I remember them still


        One day soon but not today,

        I’ve got to make those bookies pay


        “One day soon” became weeks, months, years

        Stopping sooner would have avoided those tears


        I couldn’t do it, not on my own

        Before I knew it, time had flown


        Then I’d say “I wish I had then”

        Only to keep on doing it again


        Using support was the only way how

        I managed to stop and focus on now


        Then finally the penny did drop

        NOW is always the best time to stop


      • #9612

          to live in the now
          with support we learn how.

        • #9611

            this is sooooooooooo good you have talent 🙂

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