
Forums Poetry Corner Lost control

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    • #9473

        In the light I am me

        but by night the demon comes to be

        i watch from inside as the number rolls 

        as the fear and excitement takes it toll

        On top of the world again i feel in control 

        only to be realise my greed and ego has dug a hole.

        Posessed by this shadow again

         but im not to blame

        i run to the excorcism, to purge the demon out

        but i miss the train again and again

        When will it end i pray

        because the demon says he never goes away.




      • #9475

          i never know an addiction that could ruin someone in such a short space of time. Just last month i was gamble free and finacially recovering and 2 nights was all it took to hit …i want to bury myself in a hole atm

        • #9474

            The gains are so slow… and I am finding for the people who recover for awhile, the relapse becomes worse and worse… almost like making up for lost time! Probably the psyche telling us we shouldn’t be doing it, so go for it for now. And then the house of cards come crashing down.

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