
No one ever asked me how I was feeling

Partner of a problem gambler

Our friends and family support and advice service has been developed for affected others – family members, partners, and friends – to share their problem gambling related behaviours and concerns.  

Our service is geared towards providing a friendly, inclusive service for those who are experiencing gambling-related harm from someone close to you.  

Family members and affected others are usually the first to reach out for help to address the impact the gambler’s behaviour is having on them.  

Our team aim to provide: 

  • An opportunity to gather treatment option information
  • Understand how problem gambling impacts your family 
  • A safe space to discuss how to look after yourself  
  • Support throughout the affected others treatment process 
  • Problem gambling related discussions around managing finances  
  • Pre- and post-treatment support 
  • Discussions around the wider ongoing impact on the extended family and affected others

Wider impact

Our service delivery is centred around the social, physical, and financial impact problem gambling has on families and affected others. 

Our online weekly meetings are an integral part of the service offered to families and affected others. Sharing concerns with others has proven extremely helpful in eliminating isolation, embarrassment, and understanding the consequences of having a close relationship with a problem gambler. 

The negative impact is also estimated to affect up to seven other people close to the problem gambler.

Gambling-related harms can often last for years – hidden until they start to impact others. We are here to help you to look at how we can support you consider how to start to address the following identified concerns: 

  • Protecting your finances 
  • Managing work-related stress 
  • Managing anxiety and mental health 
  • Managing physical and emotional stress  
  • Marriage/relationships problems 
  • Childcare family breakdown 
  • Anger management 

We offer suggestions and solutions to take care of yourself, as well as thinking about how you can help the problem gambler. By attending our weekly support groups or one-to-one support you will have access to a safe space to explore sharing your worries and concerns. 

We also recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle and consistent regular activities to ensure you continue to manage any stress and stay healthy. 

“I have been part of the web chat every Tuesday for the past ten weeks. I found it very informative and it has helped me immensely to understand my son’s problems. Sharing my concerns with other parents, wives, fathers, and siblings you realise you are not on your own.”

Concerned Mum (Service User Feedback)

Professional help

We have a range of treatment programmes and interventions linked to treatment options. We also work closely with other gambling-related harm organisations, more information can be found here.

Our approach is based on finding the best solution for the gambler their family and affected others. We are aware the gambler will have to consider those close to them when deciding on the best treatment programme to meet their needs.  

While our service is geared to specific help for the addicted individuals, we realise that a focussed solution outcome for all those impacted and concerned lends itself well to helping everyone. We are here to help, support, and guide you towards the best solutions.

Gordon Moody

Find out more about Gordon Moody

If you want to find out more about what we do, how you can help personally or support us as an organisation then please get in touch and we’ll send you updates with our latest information and news.

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