
Forums Poetry Corner Here and Now

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    • #9903

        All I have
        Is here and now
        I look around
        Furl my brow
        I start to think
        To contemplate
        My place in life
        My current state
        I look behind me
        And I see
        All of the past
        That still haunts me
        I cannot touch it
        Smell it, feel it
        It is my fate
        But doesn’t seal it
        I look ahead
        It’s dark and blurry
        I cannot know
        If I should worry
        I settle back
        Into the moment
        My ghosts and fears
        My real opponents
        For just right now
        I let them go
        My body eases
        My heart beat slows
        The past is over
        I understand
        The future unknown
        The present at hand

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