
Forums Poetry Corner It was me against my world

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #9604

        In the shadows
        I tried to hide
        A safe place to hold onto my pride

        It started off innocent
        endless possibilities was the dream I sought
        till this dream consumed everything I ever bought

        It was me against my world
        It was me against my family
        And now I try to make sense of what has become of my identity

        It was just one dollar, that turned into five
        Eight years later and this expense has cost my life

        The mirror tells a story of a hurt little girl
        My tired reflection is my own demise
        Creating my own hurt and broken world

        I now fear the shadow
        the silence of the darkness
        because it has consumed all that I was

        It started off as an innocent dream
        money was going to set me free
        now I am consumed in a jail with no bars
        and I still don’t know how I let it go this far

        But I know I must stop
        I know I need help
        maybe somewhere there is still hope for me
        All I know this is not my destiny

      • #9609

          Love this…it really, does start out that simple Izzi. We make a prison for ourselves…but you know what? We can break out , we can slowly file the bars in the window frames and eventually climb out to freedom!

        • #9608

            I am going

          • #9607

              I am going

            • #9606

                thats good honest writing right there, hard to read as it is close to me, but appreciate that we arent alone.

              • #9605

                  that is the story of my life, started gambling because I hated my family so much (was so hurt by them) always felt like an outsider, cg was completely out of character. And I just wanted to make money and move out and be independant but it ended up eating me, still is eating me financially (paying the price for so many years of cg)

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