
Forums Poetry Corner My love!

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    • #9338

        This is for my husband, who has been understanding, loving and simply Amazing!

        I can never repay my love for what he has done for me!
        Most people would have upped and run!
        I wouldn’t blame them!
        My love didn’t, he gave me not 1 chance but 3!
        I know it’s now down to me, to change our lives and show him that the ugly, lying monster was NOT the real me!
        That ugly monster got inside my head, messed it up made me wish I was dead! Always panic, always stress!
        The monster is getting weaker day by day! I will beat it & I will change! No more lies! No breaking promises!
        I have to be what you deserve!
        Trust is so important, it’s the biggest thing and I stomped on it! Let me gain it back and I’d never treat it like it’s worthless ever again!
        I promise x

      • #9342
        Charles – GT

          Great poem, thank you.

        • #9341

            It is great!

          • #9340

              Quite cute!

            • #9339

                it’s very cute and powerful!

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