
Forums Poetry Corner MYTH

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    • #9588

        Sitting ,eating pizza and hand cut chips
        In the garden
        When a hen takes flight on to my lap
        But before she got the chance
        I dispelled the myth
        That bird poop brings
        Good luck.
        Post gambling days
        Bring me to reality
        There is no such thing
        As LUCK!

      • #9594

          Lol!! Great poem V

        • #9593

            A witty one, this, Vera.


          • #9592
            Charles – GT

              Is it a myth, is it a lie?

              Maybe recovery is where luck lies.

              Yes, when gambling we all had our wins

              But of course we always threw our money back in

              In recovery we can now truly say

              The harder we work it, the more that it pays

              We don’t need luck to move forward in life

              We don’t need luck to get past the strife

              We don’t need gambling coz if we return to it

              Then like a hen on our lap we’ll be covered in ****!

            • #9591

                This Old Hen
                Knows how to duck
                And she doesn’t believe
                “Where there’s muck, there’s luck”!
                Charles, we don’t need “luck”
                To move forward in Life
                But we need a new mindset
                When gambling is rife.
                Hen/bird poop or lucky black cats
                Are all a myth , we know the facts.
                Every G venue that I frequent
                Provides sufficient excrement!

              • #9590

                  If we dont like it on our lap
                  How would we like it up to our knees?
                  If I keep at it
                  It will be up to my neck
                  and to swallow the crap
                  Would be nasty indeed.

                • #9589

                    Its is very distrab us moved out in my life

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