
Forums Poetry Corner Poem

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    • #9364

        I watch him shouting at the machine
        for all that’s gone wrong and ever will be
        For his loneliness
        for his guilt
        his shame
        Plus other things he dare not name
        An angry man, yet I understand, I simply want to hold his hand.
        Yet he’s too far gone to look at me, I’m not the success he wants to see. I’m rather imperfect, I’m rather weak
        I give and give yet rob myself blind
        self harming via this autoplay
        Just more losing of body and mind

      • #9375

          Please feel free

        • #9374
          Charles – GT

            Great poem LT, very powerful’

            Now take a breath and go and look at the Friends and family Forum – you can get a lot of support there. Check out the group schedule as well.

            Whatever he does/doesn’t do there is a lot of support available for YOU. You are important.

          • #9373

              Thank you Charles. I think I’ll be ok I promise xxx

            • #9372

                Such a beautiful poem!

              • #9371

                  I’m not the success he wants to see. I’m rather imperfect, I’m rather weak

                • #9370

                    Excellent poem!

                  • #9369


                    • #9368

                        It’s lost twat again
                        Hello all x

                      • #9367
                        Charles – GT

                          Hi LT and welcome back. Maybe now is the time to take a look at the Friends and Family Forum? You could start your own thread and let us know how things have been since you wrote your poem. Or pop into one of the groups for a chat.

                        • #9366

                            Hi Charles. Thank you. I’m not ready to be honest. I have to work work work because I’m in a bit of a hole. I think I can get out but things haven’t been great. In fact life has been very difficult not because of the gambling but the gambling has been the cherry on top of the shit cake. May I ask if you used to have a gambling problem Charles? I’m just interested in terms of your perception and the conceptual stories you have flashing before your eyes. More poetry soon… LT

                          • #9365

                              No good time here.

                              It’s an expensive can of coke
                              The biscuits I threw to the gulls
                              I used to drink the complementary hot chocolate back when I feigned a carefree demeanor
                              What’s to say that hasn’t been said
                              To see my loved one nearly dead
                              Not just once but twice since December
                              The slots hypnotise
                              Yet then I remember
                              If I had a head start
                              To clear the two overdrafts
                              Then a little win on top
                              I’d get some new bras from M&S
                              UPLIFTED I might then stop.
                              Loving that man with all of my might honestly made things worse
                              That’s another story a totally different verse.
                              The plan right now is to take a bow then a seat whilst I recoup through hard labour.
                              Once I’m straight I’ll try my luck but not til then my dears.
                              Thank you for reading… I hope you all win with love conquering fear.

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