
Forums Poetry Corner Strength from within

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    • #9971

                          Strength from Within
           Where do you find it, where to start.
        when your life and you soul are falling apart.
        where is the bottom? when you can fall no more.
        its different for all tho you will know the score.
        That moment when you know your life is fake
        you go to sleep and hope never to wake.
        Then something inside you chooses to take on the fight,
        to take on the darkness and seek out the light.
        When you have chosen your path knowing of tough times ahead
        a life to rebuild, no longer wish you were dead.
        as you put up the barriers and fight the devil within
        as time passes your frown turns to a grin. 
        its there for us all, that place to begin.
        where do you find it?
        the strength comes from within .

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