
Forums Poetry Corner WHAT DOES ‘I’M O.K.’ MEAN TO ME?

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    • #9838

                                        I was asked how I was feeling today
        And I answered them by saying ‘I’m o.k.’
        But what does ‘I’m ok" really mean to me?
        I feel that it’s an answer that’s meant to be.
        I’ve tried to think about ‘I’m ok’ – in my head
        What it actually means when it has been said?
        I use it because it is difficult to say how I feel
        It helps for me – as my feelings I can conceal.
        ‘I’m o.k.’ means different things for me
        Here are some examples that I can see
        It may mean I’m happy or feeling sad
        It might mean I’m feeling good or really bad.
        But mostly I use the words because they seem o.k.
        They express things that I don’t want to say
        Finding other words to say would cause me inner fight
        When ‘I’m o.k.’ is sufficient and right.

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