Our half-year 2023-24 data shows that we have achieved improvements and success across our services and that we have delivered successful outcomes for an increased number of service users. We have exciting plans to extend our services in the coming years so that we can support more people to live their lives free from gambling addiction.
Half-year applications
Applications increased from 431 to 481 at half-year, a rise of 10% compared to the same period in 2022-23. We changed our application form during the year and applicants are no longer selecting the service they would like to attend. Following assessments, places are offered for the service that meets their individual needs.
Those applying for treatment in the 18-24 age group increased, and whilst a small percentage of our overall applications, this shows that people are reaching out for support earlier than previously.
Our applications continue to be diverse but we have a smaller percentage of people applying for treatment from certain ethnic groups than we would expect when compared to UK census data. We will strive to meet demand and ensure that our treatment is available to all.
Our client reach shows that people across the UK are accessing our treatment centres – which are mainly based in the West Midlands – reinforcing that we are the UK’s leading charity dedicated to providing support and treatment for gambling addiction.

Our collaborative work with others in the National Gambling Support Network and the wider treatment sector has led to an increase in referrals from other organisations. This helps us realise our vision of getting people the right treatment, in the right place, at the right time.

Client complexity
Drug and alcohol misuse, and mental health issues have dropped slightly at half-year, but criminal offences increased by over 150%. Reporting on suicide changed last year to reflect those who have actually acted on suicidal thoughts, as opposed to having contemplated suicide. At half-year, those reporting that they had attempted to take their own life increased by 17%.
The average time taken from application to decision dropped by 50% from Q1 to Q2. This is due to a more efficient assessment and decision process and an increase in staffing to support the process.
The time taken from application to decision and offer of a place stayed steady at two days across the half-year, with over 97% of applications being accepted. Those not accepted for treatment are referred to other services ensuring that we provide the right treatment options for all those who apply.
Over 500 pre-support one-to-one sessions we delivered at half-year, along with 25 group sessions (on average one per week). Pre-treatment support is vital in holding clients until a bed space becomes available, but it is not a substitution for treatment.
Treatment outcomes
The average improvement of PGSI scores from the start to the end of treatment is 18 points for residential and 16 points for Retreat & Counselling (R&C), with scores remaining low post-treatment.
The improvement of CORE-10 scores from the start to the end of treatment are also very positive, with a 14-point improvement in residential and an 11-point improvement in R&C. Both services see a decrease in the CORE-10 scores post-treatment due to our investment in additional post-treatment support.
Our wrap-around programme continues to build on the growth seen in 2022-23, with one-to-one sessions growing 7% at half-year. Engagement from our ex-service users continues to grow with 152 attending one-to-one sessions and 46 attending group sessions. On average, ex-service users spend 199 days in aftercare.

Full half-year data report
The full half-year data report is available here.
For further data insights, or to discuss collaborations or contributions, please contact Emma O’Reilly – Commercial Director.
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A former Gordon Moody resident said:
“I was at rock bottom and it took courage to make contact with Gordon Moody. that step was the biggest and most meaningful start to my recovery journey.”
Gordon Moody is growing! With more services launching to meet the increasing demand of people reaching out for support – we need your help.
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