
While day-to-day and operational management is delegated to our Chief Executive and their team, our board is ultimately responsible for all that we do.

This includes:

  • Our purpose and strategy.
  • Our overall performance.
  • Our values, integrity, and reputation.
  • How we meet our statutory objectives and use our legal powers.
  • Our business direction and strategy.
  • Our management team’s performance, governance standards, and delivery against plans.

Our board pays particular attention to:

  • Maximising our impact and effectiveness.
  • Identifying and managing risks.
  • Maintaining our independence from government.
  • Making sure we use public funds prudently.
  • Making sure we act fairly, responsibly, transparently, proportionately, and ethically.

Our Governance statement is based on the seven principles of the Charity Governance Code (NCVO) that is based on the assumption that we meet our legal and regulatory responsibilities as a foundation.

Organisational purpose 

Strategic Objectives 2022 – 2026

  • To achieve Care Quality Commission (CQC), or equivalent accreditation.
  • To have seven residential centres across England.
  • To deliver services in Scotland and Wales.
  • To treat 500 people per year.
  • To expand Retreat & Counselling services.
  • To ensure Lived Experience is embedded at all stages of treatment.

Our board is clear about the charity’s aims and ensures that these are being delivered effectively and sustainably.

Our purpose

We help people to reclaim and rebuild their lives free from gambling addiction in safe, supported environments by providing the most effective therapies, intervention, and counselling possible.


Every board is led by the Chair that provides strategic leadership in line with the charity’s aims and values.

At Gordon Moody, we have a Remuneration and Nominations Committee whose main role is ensure that the Board of Trustees have the appropriate skills to deliver effective governance by recruiting, selecting, and inducting new Trustees onto the Board and the Chief Executive in line with agreed policy.

Along with acting on behalf of GM in determining pay and reward systems for the all staff in the organisation, this committee makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees for any proposed pay awards in line with the Pay Policy.

Integrity and value

The board acts with integrity, adopting values and creating a culture that helps achieve our charitable purpose. The board is aware of the importance of the public’s confidence and trust in charities and trustees undertake their duties accordingly.

Underpinning our purpose, we have developed a core set of values which are integral to how we deliver our services – P.R.O.U.D.

  • Passionate – We are committed, enthusiastic, caring, and immensely proud of the difference we all make. Our mission shines through everyone.
  • Respectful – We value everyone, see the best in them and ensure everyone has a voice and is heard.
  • Open – We’re transparent and do what we say we’ll do. You can trust us and rely on us.
  • United – We believe in collaboration over competition and freely share our knowledge and experience to help and empower others.
  • Dynamic – We’re bold trailblazers, embrace and inspire change and actively seek out new or better ways of doing things.

Decision-making, risk and control

The board makes sure that its decision-making processes are informed, rigorous and timely. They ensure that there is effective delegation, control and risk assessment and management systems are set up and monitored.

The board oversees the Corporate Risk register based on a framework developed by the Charity Commission. This risk register is reviewed regularly with risks being reviewed and updated as necessary. 

Board effectiveness

The board works as an effective team, using the appropriate balance of skills, experience, backgrounds, and knowledge to make informed decisions.

At GM we currently have the following sub-committees where we utilise the specific skills of members who report back to the main board of Trustees. We have a Finance and IT Committee led by the Treasurer, the Remuneration and Nominations Committee led by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, and a Clinical Governance Committee led by our Clinical Director.


The board’s approach to diversity supports its effectiveness, leadership, and decision making. Our skills register identifies what skills and experience the Trustees bring to GM and identifies any gaps that are required to fill. Our Remuneration and Nominations Committee review this register and identify any areas for further recruitment along with considering the make-up of the board.

Openness and accountability

The board leads the organisation in being transparent and accountable. 

As a registered charity with the Charity Commission (1124751), Gordon Moody are required to meet the regulations laid down to ensure our compliance with the Charity Commission requirements.

Gordon Moody

Find out more about Gordon Moody

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