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    • #9879

        For a while I felt that I was like – a captured bird
        Which to others – this may sound totally absurd
        I felt that I was captured – in a horrible cage
        Stuck in a permanent gambling – addictive stage
        A stage of my life – where I continued to bet
        Having the addiction – caused me so much regret
        Cos of the addiction – I was unable to freely fly
        Getting out of the cage – I often really did try
        The cage that I was in – was so feking strong
        The addiction cage had a terrible hold – and was wrong
        On my own I didn’t have the ability – to get free
        Of the addiction that was hurting others – and me
        I felt that being in there – was driving me mad
        I’ve felt so bothered, trapped – and very sad
        The cage to me was like a terrible – outer shell
        That was causing my life to be like – pure hell
        I felt at times I couldn’t control – my inner rage
        And I started to thump and batter away – at the cage
        I realized then that I had damaged – both my wings
        And I had to sit in there – and think about things
        My wings felt like they had been – tied together
        And I had to try and untie them – to get better
        I felt that I wasn’t able to do this – on my own
        And inside I felt very fearful – caged in and alone
        But then I found GA and other gamblers – were there
        Outside my cage I felt they understood – and did care
        With their help my honest words – were truly spoken
        And with knowledge / strength the cage – maybe broken
        Gradually over time I started to use – my so-called beak
        As I sat and talked to them – at meetings each week
        I talked about my addiction – cos they were the same
        I needed to find freedom, support – and less inner pain
        With the flapping of wings – there was no pretending
        My wings could never be cured – but they were mending
        I knew that with help from others – I’d have the ability to fly
        The thought of this made me fearful – and I wanted to cry
        I was hoping that I would no longer – be a captivated bird
        But being a bird without the cage – was something I feared
        I felt very fearful of having no gambling – in my life
        Cos it was an escape that helped me – to cope with strife
        I heard people say – ‘you will never have perfect wings’
        But try and fly out of the cage – and see what freedom brings
        With a programe to follow I could be more – like a normal bird
        Being a normal bird, living a normal life – seemed so feking wierd
        I chipped away at the cage -and my gambling overcoat of shame
        I felt that I could no longer be there – I accepted the blame
        Eventually I gained the confidence – and hoped the cage would break
        The gambling addiction I needed to control – before it was too late
        I managed to learn to use the GA tools – that were given to me
        And using them helped me – out of the cage and to be gamble free
                  Deep down I feel I am so grateful to other CG’s – and GA
        For helping me to really feel like I can live – a gamble free way
        I will always look back at the horrible cage – and time I spent there
        And hope my gambling addiction – will never again cause me despair
        Now I am gamble free and I follow the GA programme – ‘just for today’
        And I gaining serenity and peace of mind – in a very special way

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