One month gamble free
One day at a time!
I used safety tools for this mountain to climb.
I built a high fence, I shielded my cash,
Made sure I was honest about “secret stash”!
I planned out the days and they turned into weeks,
To prevent further “flooding”, I plugged all the “leaks”!
Acknowledged my urges, temptations, desires,
By keeping close track of car mileage and tyres.
I refused to get angry or anxious or tense
When I took a close look at the height of that fence
I accepted ’twas build to ensure I’d refrain
From a sudden desire to escape from Life’s pain!
I prayed for the Courage, the Wisdom, the Strength
The Serenity to accept, I can’t change ALL events,
The gift to discern what I can’t change , and can
On Recovery road , each day that I plan.
And as I advance on the long winding path
I will focus on NOW and let go of the past!
Forget the “if onlys”, the debt and the strife
And keep my eyes fixed on the Lord of my Life!