“By failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail!”
Ben Franklin’s wise quote to the strong and the frail!
It applies to all ages and in all Life’s events
Exams, tests, marathons and G-Recovery attempts!
Training for battle is an army’s best stance.
Preparation for marriage, a lover’s last chance.
A student’s lament when exam results loom
Is “why did I not study? to prevent all this gloom!”
When cooking or baking, the chef makes a list
To ensure no ingredient from the recipe is missed.
When facing a driving test, long lessons we take
To avoid disappointment, and not look like a fake!
To rid us of gambling, the same quote applies
But CGs who refuse to wipe scales from their eyes
Will fail to prepare, settling therefore for loss
And without preparation, still play pitch-and-toss.
Each time we relapse, let’s admit, if we dare
“I failed in my effort because I failed to prepare”.
Success versus failure is each CG’s free choice
Provided we follow the sage’s advice!
When we risk our recovery we play for high stakes
Defend it we must no matter what length it takes
“If the eye doth offend thee, thou must gouge it out”
(Matthew 18 verse 9 if you have any doubt!)
To stop myself gambling I need to prepare
To avoid a further pitfall, a trap or a snare
So I made preparations further “slips” to prevent
And I’m using this poem as my outlet, to vent,
To reveal what I did to prepare not to fail
I’ll attempt to conclude now this long winded tale….
I took drastic action (for some it might seem)
And reluctantly resorted to a measure extreme.
To eliminate future trips to casinos afar
I did something different.
I sold my wee car!