
Forums Poetry Corner Digging out

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    • #9330

        There is a 50 ton weight suspended over me
        nIt’s name is Debt
        nAt every moment I fear I will be crushed
        nAnd that there is no way out
        nSo I look frantically, furtively in all directions
        nAnd far below, I think I see a hint of gold or light
        nSo I dig, dig, dig, down into the dark
        nBut the gold is simply fools gold
        nAnd the light is simply a mirage
        nAnd all the while I have been pouring more dirt above my head
        nAnd now it is farther to climb back up to the start
        nGoing back up is hard
        nFor I will need to admit that I failed
        nThat I have been going around in circles
        nChipping through the weight will be long, and hard, and painful
        nBut the only way out is up, and through
        nSo I resolve to turn around, and try
        nAnd one day find the truth
        nThat the real burden was the one I placed upon myself

      • #9331

          It turned out well

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