
Forums Poetry Corner Fings That Tap In The Night Of Day

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    • #9779

        Fings That Tap In The Night Of Day

        I thought I’d take a stab at this

        This poetry typing writing biz

        Better than gambling that I must say

        Keeping my trigger happy fings at bay

        Tap Tap Tap that is all I do

        On a Video Slot Machine or two

        Not for pay and not for gain

        All that tapping did me in

        Broke my life and my bank

        No more pulling on that crank

        So here I am today instead

        Tapping my keypad to let recovery begin

        A journal, a thought, a poem or two

        There are worse things my fings can do

        Even if my poetry stinks

        I am not tapping a machine that blinks

        In red and green and blue too

        I will keep my fings away from you!

      • #9781
        Jane Fahy

          Your poetry certainly doesn’t stink. Well done 🙂

        • #9780

            Thanks Jany1 lol who knew?!!?

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