
Forums Poetry Corner I see you

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    • #9468

        I see you in the distance , beckoning me to a life unfulfilled , promises made and kept, happy times with loved ones near . The lingering awareness of what could be is always here with me , the stability, sense of responsibility , I see you in my dreams , so close yet so far away …. although I see you I cannot fathom how I will ever reach you and still sustain this energizing excitement that is electricity pulsing through my fingertips proclaiming me to be the winner . I see you , bright tomorrow, beautiful with your strings attached . I see the fruit of my labor , adding up instead of filling this slut machine up … I see you … please wait for me . I’m coming .

      • #9471

        Good poem. It will wait and you will get there – one day at a time.

      • #9470

          Thank you Charles . I’m really struggling right now , but it’s easy to abstain because I’m broke and have to go to work tonight . I’m a little worried about later this week , when payday hits 🙁

        • #9469


          I have replied to you on your thread in My Journal. it keeps all your advie in one place then.

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