
Forums Poetry Corner My Journey

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    • #9970
      Charles – GT

        All those years of pain
        Regret, then do it again.
        Lessons not learnt
        Bridges were burnt
        Friends say goodbye
        Why me? I cry.
        Then a time came
        When I had no one to blame
        Enough was enough,
        It was time to get tough.
        Finally I had to do
        Things I didn’t want to
        I admitted I was wrong
        It had taken way to long
         I tied up my money
        That really wasn’t funny
        I got to a meeting
        Wow what a greeting!
        I met people like me
        and heard stories like mine
        I didn’t have to be
         in trouble all the time
        My life needn’t be a joke
        I finally had hope
         Where my world had been hollow
        Recovery could follow
        If I put in the work
        I didn’t have to be that jerk
        Now further down the line
        Recovery is mine
        Family are proud
        And say it out loud
        I’m married and happy
        Life is no longer crappy
        I was sad all the while
        Now I carry a smile
        It didnt happen over night
        At times it was a very hard fight
        But now I know recoveries mine
        As long as I take it a day at a time!
         Im a poet and didn’t know it!

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