
Forums Poetry Corner New song (not a chart buster) Basic basic basic

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    • #9663

        Gambling freeeeeeeee, gambling freeeeeeeee,
        Can this ever really be meeeeeeeeee

        Tis a short song doesn’t have to be very looong
        But all I know is…….I long to beeeeeeee
        Gambling freeeeee gambling freeeeeeeeeee
        Hoping and praying that someday that can be meeeeeeeeeeee

        I have tried to do it with no one on my siiiide
        But time has come I have to admit I neeeed you to
        Walk with meeeeee, cos I really neeeed to beeeeeee

        Gambling freeeeeeeeee gambling freeeeeeeee
        How about you and meeeeeeeeeee
        Gambling freeeeeeee gambling freeeeeeeee.
        It’s a shame you don’t know my name
        But we’re all the same , people who long to beeeeeeeee
        Gambling freeeeeeeeee gambling freeeeeeeeeee
        (Sung in any Keeey, just as long as we remain
        Gambling freeeee gambling freeeeeee
        ( repeat chorus over and over over and over )

        We mustn’t forget all we need to doooo
        To live a life not feeling bluuuue
        Is …….. To beeeeeeee
        Gambling freeeeeeeeee gambling freeeeeee.

      • #9665

          I sang this in my head to a really good beat .. Love it!!! Coolest thing ever!!

        • #9664

            I worked out what my tune was now, it was the wombles , The wombles of Wimbledon common are we , wombling freeeeee
            underground overground, my girls are so embarrassed by me as I just cant help myself every time I ever visit London I start singing it, it just happens x Prob I have now is my new words and I just start singing it wherever…

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