
Forums Poetry Corner No G Plans

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    • #9733

        If I were planning to gamble
        I’d be laying down a plot
        Assessing all my free time
        (this weekend, I have a lot!)
        I’d be setting aside some money
        And making secret plans
        Inventing a foolproof story
        To deceive my G free fans!
        Above all, I’d squiff my contact
        With Gambling Therapy
        Wouldn’t dare attend the Chat Groups
        (in case Charles would see through me!)
        I’d have my plot so fine tuned
        Convinced I’d never be caught
        At this stage I would be ready
        To insert fifty in that slot

        Although I’m free this weekend
        And will be set up with cash
        I have managed to change my mindset
        To prevent another crash.
        This time I’m seek help
        Before I self destruct
        Instead of running for cover
        Coming back to say I’m ******
        Because I WON’T be gambling
        There is no need to hide
        So here I am on GT
        Writing my poem with pride!

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