Welcome to the Gordon Moody blog – news and views from the team with a personal slant.
Gordon Moody x BetterSpace Wellbeing
2 December 2021We are aiming for better well-being for everyone. Especially as the pandemic has changed both personal and professional perceptions of wellness and well-being. Here at Gordon Moody, we want our teams to feel well so they can deliver well. (Read More)
One Man’s Vision – A Book By Paul Bellringer OBE
15 November 2021One Man’s Vision – A Book By Paul Bellringer OBE exploring 50 years of gambling addiction treatment by Gordon Moody. (Read More)
Meet The Women’s Residential Treatment Team
1 November 2021Gordon Moody Women’s gambling addiction treatment centre pilot launches in November to help women reclaim and rebuild their lives free from gambling addiction. (Read More)
Gordon Moody’s 50th Anniversary Celebration
29 October 2021Gordon Moody’s 50th Anniversary celebration brought together old friends, new friends and collaborators to celebrate 50 years of the organisation founded by the Rev Gordon Moody.
(Read More)
The Girl Gambler & Her Gordon Moody Journey.
10 August 2021Stacey Goodwin, The Girl Gambler, shares her gambling addiction treatment journey with Gordon Moody and her experience with retreat and counselling. (Read More)
50 Hours for 50 Years
6 August 2021Gordon Moody Take On The 3 Peaks Challenge. Led by Dave Hollingsworth, Gordon Moody’s Beckenham treatment centre manager and Gordon Moody staff and former service users, as well as family and (Read More)
Retreat & Counselling Programme
2 August 2021How our retreat and councelling programme is overcoming the barriers to women’s gambling harm treatment. Our R&C manager, Jane Fahy explains the support needs of female gamblers. (Read More)
Mountains, Bridges and Bricks
28 July 2021Our latest projects from the Gordon Moody team. Including our three peaks challenge, our London Bridge walk and moving forward with our new offices. (Read More)
Gordon Moody’s New Lick of Paint
26 July 2021As a celebration of our 50th year here at Gordon Moody, we’re getting the paint out and updating our treatment centres, head office and our logo for a fresh take to co-inside with the celebration of the fantastic work the Gordon Moody team have been creating, pioneering and those who have been in our treatment programmes over the last 50 years. (Read More)
Dudley Multicultural Day 2021.
16 July 2021Gordon Moody are attending Dudley Multicultural Day 2021. Supporting and celebrating the diverse culture of the Dudley Borough. (Read More)